L.A. DTG T-shirt Printing is your one-stop shop for all your custom prints
We specialize in high-quality direct-to-garment (DTG) printing, offering vibrant prints, intricate details, and a soft, natural feel. Our commitment to exceeding customer expectations is evident in our dedication to producing consistent, high-quality results and building strong relationships with our clients. With over 10 years of combined experience in the garment printing industry, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. Whether you need custom t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags, or other apparel, L.A. DTG T-shirt Printing is your trusted partner for bringing your designs to life.
We’re able to handle large orders without compromising on quality and consistency. We provide our clients with the opportunity for personal project consultations. This combination of high-quality work, personalized service, and the ability to handle orders of any size sets us apart from other Dtg printing companies.
We’re proud to say we have the latest technology currently offered in the market for Dtg printing. Our CMYK + 4 White Print Heads Brother printers allow us to print at up to 1200 dpi, resulting in a crisp, clear image.
We use Schulze PretreatMaker V digital pretreatment machines, considered the ultimate solution for pretreating textiles for direct-to-garment (DTG) printing. Equipped with four high-quality nozzles, these machines enable us to achieve smooth, precise spray patterns and consistent, reliable printing results. All textiles within the same batch are coated under identical conditions, ensuring uniform and high-quality prints.
Our printers, when used correctly with genuine Brother GTX Pro inks and Brother Pretreat solution, achieve a high wash colorfastness AATCC rating exceeding 4.0.
Water-based inks are manufactured according to Brother exclusive formulation, to provide the best results and be eco-friendly. Brother genuine inks and pretreatment is CPSIA compliant*, reducing environmental waste and ensuring safe printing on baby & youth clothing.
At L.A. DTG T-shirt Printing, we expect to deliver to you the best print quality results, using the best tools available on the market. For more information about Digital printing and samples of our work, please check out our website.
* Ink manufactured in compliance with the following 2008 CPSI Act requirement. —16 CFR, part 1303, Lead in Paint (<90 ppm lead)—CPSIA 2008, Section 108, Phthalates (<1000 ppm DBP, BBP, DEHP. DnOP, DINP, DIDP)